For the first time this last Memorial Day I actually did what we are supposed to do on Memorial Day - I took some time to remember those who have gone before and made my life as awesome and lucky as it is. Mom Fisher wanted to go to see her parent's resting place as well as her husband's parent's resting place. Since both were conveniently located near SLC we were able to hit both in a relatively short time.
Anyway, we were in the Salt Lake City Cemetery (where several prominent church members are buried) and I felt inspired to call Mom and then Grandma to find out if we had any relatives buried there. Sure enough a Mr. Sidney Alvarus Hanks and his wife are buried there. And this is their story:
Sidney is Ephraim K's brother. There were 3 Hanks brothers who joined the church, Ephraim and (anyone know the name of the other brother) were introduced to the church by Sidney Alvarus. Anyway, Knowlton(?) was called to go on a mission to the Canary Islands but he passed away during the sea voyage to get there. SO, Sidney chose to serve in his brother's place. He went to serve and did not come home until he had been released (anyone know how long?) He passed away wrangling his cattle when a snow storm came up. Ephraim found him the next spring after the thaw which I'm sure was pleasant.
All in all, a pretty cool story - anyone care to correct my facts. I'm sure they're shoddy at best and I'm afraid I might reveal my rusty memory of Scouting for the Mormons and The Tempered Wind